List of Materials

    (1 Vote)
     - Recording and exercises on understanding and carrying out orders when leaving port; asking for and giving relevant information; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 5 Leaving Port: Read & Listen + Exercises 1-7, Important Structures: Casting off + Exercise 1
    0. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - Listening comprehension on port facilities; demonstration of port layout; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 2 Welcome to a Modern Port: Read & Listen & Exercises 1-4, Layout of Santander
    1. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - "Ship familiarization" offers a novel way, using intercomprehension, to facilitate learning ship terminology. The module uses pictures and sound files.
    2. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
    (1 Vote)
     - Unit 1 Anchoring is part of the second year course for deck students; original Romanian material adapted for international use. The main objective is to familiarise the students with SMCP used in on board communications within ships with multilingual crews. It contains activities for reading, listening and speaking skills as well as a vocabulary practice test and a self-test. Teacher's notes with teaching suggestions and answer key included at the end.
    3. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
    (1 Vote)
     - "Maritime taboos": an activity which explores Romanian superstitions on board and at sea. The activity includes a game which involves describing photos and, eventually, identifying superstitions. The activity culminates in a written report. Guidelines for teachers are provided on the INTERMAR website.
    4. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - "Getting to grips with cross-cultural communication": a text exploring cross-cultural communciation, offering some definitions and highlighting differences between western and eastern cultures. The text is accompanied by a questionnaire on cultural differences and a quiz. Guidelines for teachers are provided on the INTERMAR website.
    5. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - The presented course-book is the result of the conducted research application of modern MET methods and approaches. It is aimed to meet the requirements of STCW 78/95. It consists of four units (68 pages) covering the illustrated explanation of the IALA MBS provided with the communicative competence activities.
    6. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
    (1 Vote)
     - Short description on future voyage; introduction of the MS Marina, the route and the crew; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Introduction
    7. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - This diagram shows the names of the mooring lines of a ship.
    8. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - "Fasten seatbelts to the world": activities based on 5 problematic situations that may arise within the multicultural crew. A link to online cartoons is included to assist the learner in avoiding misunderstandings as a result of cultural differences on board. Learners are encouraged to research the situations themselves in order to find solutions. Guidelines for teachers are included on the INTERMAR website.
    9. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - Lead into port structures and port operations; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 1 In Port: Lead In 1 & Lead In 2, Read & Listen: Back on duty + Exercises 1-3
    10. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
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     - "Body language challenge"; a collection of links to online materials about the use of gesture in the Philippines. The videos are accompanied by a game whereby the learner bets, loses or wins points. An additional quiz encourages the learner to consider the differences between gestures in the Philippines and those used in his/her own culture. Guidelines for teachers are provided on the INTERMAR website.
    11. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A
    (0 votes)
     - "At ease!": text containing activities designed to promote discussion about cultural differences that might be encountered on board or in a foreign environment and to equip the learner to deal with these differences. Three topics are included to start with; greetings (including linguistic aspects, turn-taking, body language, gesture, physical contact), eating habits and food and attitudes to sport. The topics may be added to as desired. Guidelines for teachers are provided on the INTERMAR website.
    12. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 2   Language Learning Outcome: 2.A