List of Materials

    (2 votes)
     - This document is focusing on distress stiuations on board.
    0. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - A workpackage containing an extensive and comprehensive range of integrated materials and tasks on the theme of marine pollution from METNET (thematic network on maritime education, training and mobility of seafarers).
    1. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - This document is focusing on distress stiuations on board.
    2. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
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     - Listening /reading comprehensions on various marine environment topics; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Advanced/The Marine Environment: Read & Listen: The Marine Environment and Man-made Pollution 1-7 + Exercises 1-7, Read & Listen: Hazardous and Noxious Substances 1-2 + Exercises 1-2, Read & Listen: Anti-fouling 1-4 + Exercises 1-3, Read & Listen: Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans + Exercises 1-2
    3. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Recording and exercises on trespassing in a restricted area, including communication with the Coast Guard; interrogation record text file with exercise; written report text file on the incident; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 13 An Encounter with the Coast Guard: Read & Listen: Trespassing in a Restricted Area + Exercises 1-5, The Interrogation Record (PDF) + Exercise 1, A Written Report on the Incident by Ltn Mustasaari (PDF), Important Structures: Polite phrases + Exercise 1
    4. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Advanced/Maritime Security: Ship Security Assessment, Exercises 1-7
    5. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Exercises based on an interview with Captain Andrew James about the ISPS Code; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Intermediate/Maritime Security: Exercises 1-10
    6. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Listening /reading comprehensions on various marine environment topics; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Advanced/The Marine Environment: Read & Listen: The Marine Environment and Man-made Pollution 1-7 + Exercises 1-7, Read & Listen: Hazardous and Noxious Substances 1-2 + Exercises 1-2, Read & Listen: Anti-fouling 1-4 + Exercises 1-3, Read & Listen: Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plans + Exercises 1-2
    7. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
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     - Basic GMDSS and external communication on board in SMCP context.
    8. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - SMCP A1/1 Distress traffic
    9. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (1 Vote)
     - SMCP on safety and fire fighting, exercises; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced Level/SMCP: Safety and Fire Fighting, Exercises 1-9
    10. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - This INTERMAR module provides strategies to facilitate understanding of oral messages. The 8 activities assist the learner in how to react in an abandon ship drill, using standard maritime phrases.
    11. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Listening /reading comprehensions on various marine environment topics; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Intermediate/The Marine Environment: Read & Listen: The Marine Environment and Marine Environment Protection + Exercises 1-3, Read & Listen: The Marine Environment and Man-made Pollution + Exercise 1, Read & Listen 1-3: The Prevention of Pollution by Oil + Exercises 1-4, Read & Listen 1-2: SMCP Environmental Protection Communications + Exercises 1-4, Read & Listen: Reporting Pollution Incidents + Exercises 1-2, Read & Listen: The Exxon Valdez Disaster: Oil Clearance Operations + Exercise 1, Read & Listen: Oil Clearance Operations: Methods and Devices + Exercise 1, Read & Listen: Fuel Emissions + Exercises 1-4
    12. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng Plus/Advanced/Maritime Security: Ship Security Assessment, Exercises 1-7
    13. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - A series of activities which use intercomprehension strategies to assist written reporting, using standard reporting forms and specialsed vocabulary.
    14. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A
    (0 votes)
     - This document explains the stages of an pirate attack to ships.
    15. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.A