List of Materials

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     - SMCP A1/3 Safety communications
    0. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Marlins Study Packs are a comprehensive English language training course designed for independent study by seafarers of any rank or nationality. They combine detailed language input with extensive practice of language skills within authentic maritime contexts.
    1. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - BBC Radio 4 Shipping Forecast home page and broadcast.
    2. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Textbook “English for Maritime Studies” offering instruction on specialised abbreviations and symbols used in shipping forecasts (pp 108-113).
    3. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Video clip produced for BBC News online, introducing the topic and explaining why the BBC shipping forecast is such an important part of the British consciousness.
    4. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Textbook “International Maritime Language Programme” offering instruction about the weather and its impact on safety at sea. Exercises using specialised abbreviations and symbols available on CD-ROM.
    5. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Exercise using specialised abbreviations and symbols for the shipping forecasts.
    6. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Online Maritime English learning tool: sections relating to the weather and corresponding terminology.
    7. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Online Maritime English learning tool: sections relating to the weather and corresponding terminology.
    8. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - SMCP B1/1 Handing over the watch
    9. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - SMCP A2/1 Standard wheel orders
    10. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Listening and reading comprehensions with exercises on vessel types, cargo handling facilities, different types of cargo etc.; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced Level/Vessel Types: Bulk Carriers (Text with recording) + Exercises 1 & 2, Containerships (Text with recording) + Exercises 1 & 2, Tankers (Text) + Exercises 1 & 2, Car carriers (Text) + Exercise 1, Industrial ships & The ing-form (Texts) + Exercise 1, Cable-laying ships (Text) + Exercises 1 & 2, The Estonia ferry & Active and Passive forms (Texts) + Exercise 1, Revision task
    11. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Text with recording and exercises on verbs and expressions used in SMCP for the ship's movements in the fairway; examples and exercise on prepositions of place; extra reading on seamarks, lights and buoys; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 6 In the Fairway: Read & Listen + Exercises 1-3, The Ship’s Movements in the Fairway (Text) + Exercise 1, Important Structures: Prepositions + Exercise 1, Extra Reading: Seamarks, Lights, and Buoys
    12. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Dialogues with exercises on communication with Vessel Traffic Services; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced/Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Part 2: VTS in practice: Dialogue 1: Entering Report + Excercises 1-3; Dialogue 2: Information Service + Excercises 1-3; Dialogue 3: Navigational Assistance Service + Exercises 1-3; Dialogue 4: Traffic Organisation Service + Exercises 1-6; Dialogue 5: Engine Problem + Exercises 1-5
    13. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - A workpackage containing an extensive and comprehensive range of integrated materials and tasks on the theme of shipping operations and costs from METNET (thematic network on maritime education, training and mobility of seafarers).
    14. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Text with recording and exercises on heavy weather at sea; pdf file on the Beaufort Scale; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 7 Heavy Weather: Read & Listen + Exercises 1-5, The Beaufort Scale (PDF)
    15. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Recording and exercises on procedures and communication when handing over the watch; describing the navigational equipment on board; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 10 At Sea - Changing the Watch: Read & Listen + Exercises 1-6
    16. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Listening and reading comprehensions with exercises on weather; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced Level/Weather: Winds: The Beaufort Wind Scale (Text) + Exercises 1-4, Waves (Text with recording) + Exercise 1, Visibility (Text with recording) + Exercises 1 & 2, Clouds and Weather Symbols (Text with recording) + Exercises 1 & 2, Ice & Ice Code (Text), Navtex (Text with recording) + Exercise 1, Revision Tasks 1-6
    17. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
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     - Ice navigation in two parts, theory and practise: Main aspects of ice navigation in short texts with comprehension questions & dialogues and exercises; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced Level/Ice Navigation: Part 1: Ice navigation in theory: Unit 1: The Baltic Sea freezes annually + Exercise 1, Unit 2: Captain's checklist before entering ice-covered waters + Exercises 1-4, Unit 3: Instructions to be followed in ice infested areas + Exercise 1, Unit 4: Convoy + Exercise 1, Unit 5: Towing + Exercise 1, Unit 6: On the vessel to be towed + Exercise 1, Unit 7: Icing + Exercises 1-3, Unit 8: what's the damage + Exercise 1, Part 2: Ice navigation in practice: Dialogue 1: In a convoy + Exercises 1-2, Dialogue 2: Towing + Exercises 1-2
    18. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A
    (0 votes)
     - Recording and exercises on parts of vessel and places on board; examples and exercises on directions; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 4 The Ship: Recording: A tour on the MS Marina + Exercises 1-10, Important Structures + Exercise 1
    19. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 3   Language Learning Outcome: 3.A