SeaTALK Maritime English Training Modules - Deck Ratings (Support Level) - Level Descriptor (CEFR)

The SeaTALK Maritime English training module for Deck Ratings is linked to the level descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), allowing students to cross-reference their progress according to its levels. The CEFR describes foreign language proficiency at six levels: A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User), using “can do” descriptors to define the individual’s proficiency at each level.

The SeaTALK Maritime English training module for Deck Ratings presents a specific English for Specific Purposes (ESP)-related training module for Maritime English education and training, the requirements of which are compatible with, and complementary to the CEFR.


SeaTALK English language competence descriptors with reference to CEFR – Support level (Deck & Engineering)

Grammar and vocabulary sufficient to use Maritime English with basic efficiency and to perform a limited number of simple language functions. Satisfactory control of simple structures to ensure meaningful interaction. Frequently used structures generally controlled but complex structures may lead to confusion. Vocabulary and specific terminology sufficient to communicate during emergency operations; basic use of function-related SMCP and relevant terminology. Understands simple factual information, main points and facts, yet comprehension may weaken in complicated or unexpected situations or when faced with unknown accent. Uses a limited range of concrete and abstract vocabulary including work-related terminology, some specialized high frequency idioms and expressions.

Can use the language with some accuracy sufficient to manage daily routines. Can generally identify the content of a discussion, when this is conducted slowly and clearly. Can understand short, simple texts containing familiar content and high-frequency everyday or job-related language. Can read and understand simple general and specific information in maritime notifications. Able to understand simple written and spoken instructions. Can initiate, maintain and end discourse in routine everyday and work-related situations with acceptable hindrance. Can deal with common aspects of everyday situations such as travel, lodging, eating and personal preferences. Can present an argument with limitations when explaining functions, causes and consequences. Can express him/herself sufficiently, clearly and politely in routine situations. Can perform and respond with acceptable hesitation to a limited range of language functions related to work or personal issues.

Reading skills – understanding, interpreting and analysing basic maritime specific information; understanding main points and some details; recognising symbolic writing and abbreviated forms.

Writing skills – none except for personal details.

Listening skills – understanding the gist of: routine and emergency discourse; explicitly stated information; main idea and supporting facts; understanding accurately: simple commands, instructions, recommendations, questions and requests; general and specific information; speech at slow rates.

Speaking skills – using the appropriate basic SMCP phrases in job-related situations; taking part in meaningful interactions and adopting a basic level of formality where appropriate; entering and maintaining a conversation; asking for relevant information; correctly explaining problems, making comparisons, complaints, suggestions; reporting events.


Base and Target Language Levels

The SeaTALK Maritime English training module for Deck Ratings (Support Level) has been linked to the level descriptors of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), describing foreign language proficiency at six levels: A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User), using “can do” descriptors to define the individual’s proficiency at each level.

The base language requirement level for the SeaTALK Maritime English training module for Deck Ratings (Support Level) is A1-A2. The assessment method for this training module is the MarTEL Phase R Deck Test for candidates at Ratings Level which tests the following 3 (Maritime) English communication skills: Vocabulary, Listening and Speaking. The MarTEL Phase R Deck Test for candidates at Ratings Level is designed to test English language usage in maritime contexts and professional discourse. In passing the MarTEL Phase R Deck Test for candidates at Ratings Level the student has a degree of proficiency in Maritime English aligned from A2 to B1 of the CEFR.