List of Materials

    (0 votes)
     - SMCP A1/1.3 Requesting medical assistance
    0. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.B
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     - Lead in, recording and exercises on helicopter rescue with urgency communication on board; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Intermediate Level/Unit 12 Helicopter Rescue: Lead In, Read & Listen + Exercises 1-4
    1. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.B
    (0 votes)
     - Listening comprehension and exercises on first aid vocabulary and body parts; written assignment on Medical Guides; an interview with a doctor: text & audio & exercise; Web-based Maritime English Learning Tool MarEng/Advanced Level/Radio Medical: First aid vocabulary (Listening comprehension), Body parts: Excercises 1-4, Crossword (Organs of the body), Find the synonyms, Presentation (written assignment), Interview with a doctor
    2. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.B
    (0 votes)
     - The English section of the INTERMAR Germanic Languages & Intercomprehension module. The tasks and activities in this section revolve round the theme of English for medical purposes on board.
    3. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.B
    (0 votes)
     - This presentation gives a practical communication phrases for medical issues.
    4. Maritime English Training Module: Deck Officers (Operational Level)   Occupational Standard: 6   Language Learning Outcome: 6.B